January 30, 2023
June 23, 2022, marked the 50 th anniversary of Title IX which is the name for the federal civil rights law that the United States enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1...

January 27, 2023
Yesterday brought back memories of snow days when I was a child. I remember waking up and listening to the local radio station in hopes of our school’s name being listed among ca...

January 3, 2023
Washburn District High School is pleased to announce the following students as Student of the Month recipients: September, Jaiden Fitzmaurice, October, Lucy Tate, and November, P...

January 3, 2023
Friday Newsletter - December 23rd
Happy Holiday Break! The much-anticipated vacation is here, and not a moment too soon! Students and staff alike were ready for dismissal yeste...

December 28, 2022
Washburn District High School has open coaching positions for our spring sports. CLICK HERE for more details and to obtain an application. Interested applicants should contact ...

December 16, 2022
Friday Newsletter - December 16th
This has been one long week! The flu of the month is making its way through the building and we are doing our best to keep to business as usua...

December 2, 2022
Friday Newsletter - December 2nd
Happiest of Decembers to you! The holiday frenzy is fast upon us and we are going to be working hard to keep everyone (students and staff) fo...

November 18, 2022
Friday Newsletter - November 18th
It’s happened! Snow has arrived in the neighborhood, and the feeling of winter has settled upon us. I love this time of year so much. My heart...

November 9, 2022
Our Chapter of the National Honor Society has been busy since we returned from harvest break beginning with welcoming new members into the chapter. WDHS has had a longstanding tr...

November 5, 2022
Athletic Administrator Ericson as well as Principal Worcester are proud to announce that both of our Varsity Soccer teams were awarded the Class D North Sportsmanship Banner given...

November 5, 2022
Friday Newsletter - November 4th
Today officially marks the end of the first quarter. It’s hard to believe that we are already looking toward Thanksgiving soon. Remember next w...

October 28, 2022
Friday Newsletter - October 28th
There are few things that make me happier than the little things . By that I mean, it’s truly the simple things that matter the most.

October 24, 2022
Principal Worcester and Washburn District High School staff are pleased to announce Chandler Tozier as the Student of the Month for August. He is a Senior at WDHS and is the son ...

October 24, 2022
Weekly Newsletter - October 21st
A peculiar week of weather has passed and it looks as if autumn is hanging on tight. It’s my favorite season, although winter is my second favo...

October 14, 2022
Friday Newsletter - October 14th
As I write this, the wind is blowing and the power keeps flickering. But, as always, WDES is working right through the challenges popping up on...

October 7, 2022
Friday Newsletter - October 7th
I hope this week’s newsletter finds you all fully rested and beginning to think about returning to school next week. I know you’re not ready, bu...

October 6, 2022
Soccer season in Maine is one of extremes. The season begins at the end of July or the first week of August for schools like ours that break for harvest. The students begin cond...

October 2, 2022
Friday Newsletter - September 30th
Harvest Break is in full swing and while the students and teachers are enjoying a rest, the school building and grounds are quite alive with ...

September 24, 2022
Friday Newsletter - September 23rd
Harvest Break is upon us! What an incredible start to our school year we’ve had. I am profoundly grateful to be here. I admit I was a little...

September 17, 2022
Friday Newsletter, September 16 With this week has come real evidence of the approach of my favorite season. Several children have made slight detours on their way into the build...