Friday Newsletter - November 4th
Today officially marks the end of the first quarter. It’s hard to believe that we are already looking toward Thanksgiving soon. Remember next week, in honor of Veteran’s Day, there will be no school on Friday.
I know that we celebrate the cool things happening here each week, and it’s often specific to students. However this week I’d like to do something a little different. I would like to take a moment to recognize some staff members who have popped up on the radar lately.
Our week has been challenging. We got a taste of what it would be like without the amazingness of Mrs. Thompson in the office. Let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight. We managed to keep the WDES ship afloat for a couple of days in her absence, but every single one of us celebrated her return today. She makes things look easy but, I can tell you firsthand, it is tricky to keep that office running smoothly.
Today Mr. Shea stepped in and saved the day for us in Music class. Mrs. Diette had to be out and the substitute and I were trying to operate the technology equipment in order to show Mary Poppins to second grade. Well… let’s just say my tech skills are about on par with my actual music skills. Remember a few newsletters ago when I shared my lack of expertise in that category? Anyway, once again, people came together to make things work.
Lastly, a parent reached out to share the news that when her daughter was asked to name her hero, she named her teacher, Mrs. Churchill. She explicitly stated that Mrs. Churchill gives her encouragement, believes in her, and makes her have faith in herself. All of these things add up to make WDES a particularly special place to be. It takes every single one of us to make it work. And I appreciate all of the results. Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the beautiful weather in the forecast.