Washburn District High School would like to congratulate Layla Harris on being selected as Aroostook League Senior Scholar Athletes for 2022. This honor goes to Senior Athletes who exemplify excellence both in the classroom as well as the athletic arena.
Layla has consistently been on the honor roll since her freshmen year and has achieved highest honors through her senior year. She has represented Washburn well on the soccer and softball fields where she has earned a coach’s award for her leadership and dedication in soccer and most improved in softball. In addition to soccer and softball, Layla participates in volleyball. Layla is very successful in the classroom, having been awarded many highest achievement accolades in individual classes. She is a member of the National Honor Society and a member school’s FFA chapter as well as a student council member.
Layla attended the Aroostook County Senior Scholar Athlete Banquet held in Caribou on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, along with the rest of the County’s honorees.